"Thwart the unwarranted attempts of vagrants, hobos, and immigrants who would STEAL YOUR WOMEN AND YOUR CHILDREN AS SOON AS THEY WOULD EACH PRECIOUS BELONGING! Purchase an APX Alarm, whose God-like eye will protect you and your kin from any unfortunate eventualities brought on by evil, cloven-footed miscreants and ne'er - do - wells! A bargain at twice the price!"
if a security system isn't in your future, perhaps i could offer you this dusty arabian lamp or ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL
Motion detection security- classier than standing on your porch in BVD's with a shot-gun.
Up your security- don't make your pad code FUCK like everyone elses.
"Thwart the unwarranted attempts of vagrants, hobos, and immigrants who would STEAL YOUR WOMEN AND YOUR CHILDREN AS SOON AS THEY WOULD EACH PRECIOUS BELONGING! Purchase an APX Alarm, whose God-like eye will protect you and your kin from any unfortunate eventualities brought on by evil, cloven-footed miscreants and ne'er - do - wells! A bargain at twice the price!"
Ha, both of those rhymes sound very Tobias Funke.
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